He was brutally treated and exposed to ridicule for offenses he never committed. Even God himself turned his back at him when at the peak of his bittern punishments. But all the pains he bore for some reasons. He more pains in order to exchange your sorrow for his joy and turn your poverty for his riches. 
It was the Lord’s will to crush Jesus Christ and cause him to suffer, but though his life was made a guilt offering,  he shall see his offering (believers) and prolong their days and the Will of the Lord shall prosper in their hands.

The pains that Jesus Christ bore have been directly exchanged for the sins of humanities. “God will give him portions among the great and he will divide the spoils with the strong because he poured out his life unto death and was numbered with the transgressors for he bore the sins of many and made intersession for the transgressors”   - (Isaiah 53 v12). 

The above illustrations could be summarized into the following 2 derivatives: 

 (does not lead to) God ------------------------------------equation #1
Sinner + Jesus = (leads to) God ---------------------------------------equation #2

The equation #1 shows that if a sinner dies without accepting Jesus Christ into his life as Lord and Savior, the person will not have someone to plead for his sins. He will be condemned of his sins and he shall not spend eternal life with God in heaven.

The equation #2 shows that if a sinner accepts Jesus Christ into his life as Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ will plead for his sins before God. The person shall not be condemned of his sins and he shall spend eternal life with God in heaven.

It is very important to accept equation #2 since it gives you hope and assurance of living your eternal life in the presence of God where there is everlasting peace and  joy. Please pray a sinners prayer

May God bless you.

Pastor Evangelist Ibezim .M.Iheanacho

It is our joy to always hear how this ministry is blessing your life. All comments are welcome. You may also request for counseling, prayers and/or others that you feel we can be of assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us for a testimony of what the Lords has done in your life ok.

The ministry currently receives any kind of donation to support missionary works in Africa. Used materials and other items would be appreciated as well. God will reward every effort you make to support His gospel. You will receive a tax deductible receipt for your donation. Please


I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works.

And that my soul knows very well.
- (PSALM 139: 14) VERSE OF THE DAY   “God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.” (Job 37:5-6) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
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A SINNER'S PRAYER (prayer of conversion)

You are about to make an important step that will forever change your destiny for good. Please pray a sinner's prayer as follows:

O Lord I thank you for the opportunity of salvation you are giving me today.  Today I am confessing that Jesus Christ is the son of God.  I believe that he has died for my sins.  I believe that God raised him from the dead. I declare that I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  As from today, I will be serving you for the rest of my life.  Thank you Jesus Christ for your saving grace.  Amen.


Now that you have been saved we encourage you to find a home church nearby, where you know they are teaching the true word of God.  We also invite you to come and become a member of our ministry so that we can disciple you according to the scripture.


Do you have a bible?

Our ministry offers to provide you a new bible as free gift (no condition involves).  Please feel free to contact us immediately immediately.  May God continue to keep you in His presence, Amen.